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Israel in Egypte – D.J. Baarslag Dzn. (1934)

4,95 incl. BTW

Auteur: Derk Johan Baarslag
ISBN: — geen —
Uitgever: Bosch & Keuning, 1934
Uitgave: Gebonden, 160 pagina’s
Kwaliteit: In goede staat


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Covering the time span from the Paleolithic period to the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C., the eminent Egyptologist Donald Redford explores three thousand years of uninterrupted contact between Egypt and Western Asia across the Sinai land-bridge. In the vivid and lucid style that we expect from the author of the popular Akhenaten, Redford presents a sweeping narrative of the love-hate relationship between the peoples of ancient Israel/Palestine and Egypt." ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(48) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(77.45) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(28) "Uiterlijk 30 januari in huis" } } [4]=> array(8) { ["ean"]=> string(13) "9781947751316" ["bolProductId"]=> string(16) "9200000091309791" ["url"]=> string(133) "" ["gpc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(7) "SEGMENT" ["name"]=> string(35) "Textual/Printed/Reference Materials" } [1]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(5) "CHUNK" ["name"]=> string(4) "Boek" } } ["title"]=> string(94) "Ancient Texts and the Bible 4 - In The Beginning... From Israel to Egypt - Easy Reader Edition" ["description"]=> string(2016) "

The Ancient Texts and the Bible series was compiled by Ahava Lilburn and produced by Minister 2 Others. This ten volume set synchronizes the manuscripts of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees into the Bible, making one complete storyline. The books are interwoven using the Torah as the backbone, and the extra-biblical texts as the fleshing out of that backbone.

The fourth book in this series contains Genesis chapters 31-39, the book of Jasher chapters 31-44, and the book of Jubilees chapters 29-39.

Though the language in the writings have been updated, replacing words like “thou” and “thine” with words like “you” and “your”, the integrity of the verses remain.

The “Easy Reader” edition is for those who just want to read the storyline and enjoy the journey. The stop signs and complex formatting have been removed so one may merely focus upon the story being told.

The “Expanded” edition of Ancient Texts and the Bible was created for the more studious reader. The various manuscripts have the following formatting applied to them in this edition:

the Bible - Regular
the Book of Jasher - Italics
the Book of Jubilees - Underlined

The Ancient Texts and the Bible series include the following books:

Book 1: In The Beginning... From Adam to Noah
Book 2: In The Beginning... From Noah to Abraham
Book 3: In The Beginning... From Abraham to Israel
Book 4: In The Beginning... From Israel to Egypt
Book 5: In The Beginning... From Egypt to Goshen
Book 6: Israel... From Goshen to Sinai
Book 7: Israel... From Sinai to the Tabernacle
Book 8: Israel... Through the Book of Leviticus
Book 9: Israel... Through the Book of Numbers
Book 10: Israel... Through the Book of Joshua

Samples of the books can be found on Minister 2 Others website at

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Helaas hebben wij dit boek (tijdelijk) niet meer op voorraad. Wij hebben voor u onderstaand boek op gevonden.

Handel: Israel in Egypt, etc / John Eliot Gardiner, et al

ISBN: 0022924539923
Prijs: € 77,98

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De Bijbelse geschiedenis in de omlijsting van de historie van het oosten,  Oud-Israël, deel 2;

Libellen-serie, nr. 59-61.

In 1934 begon de uitgeverij Bosch & Keuning met het uitgeven van een serie boekjes in de zogenaamde Libellen-serie. Eind 1939, begin 1940 verschenen de laatste deeltjes van deze serie.

De boekjes waren via de boekhandel te koop, waar ook voor belangstellenden een uitvoerige brochure te verkrijgen was.

Veel informatie is te halen uit deze met regelmaat verschijnende brochures van verschenen en in voorbereiding zijnde boekjes.

Zie voor verdere TOELICHTING ook  de  INLEIDING van het boek !

Auteur: D.J. Baarslag Dzn. / Derk Johan Baarslag
ISBN: — geen —

Extra informatie

Gewicht 325 g
Afmetingen 190 × 170 × 13 mm


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