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Walking Out of Spiritual Abuse – Marc Dupont

2,95 incl. BTW

Author: Marc Dupont
Publisher: Sovereign World Int., 1997
Edition: Paperback, 191  pages
Condition: Used – Acceptable


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Walking out of Spiritual Abuse

ISBN: 9781852402198
Prijs: € 28,45

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This book targets the problem of abusive churches, which exist because of the potential for sin in all of us. The author takes a sobering look at potential problems and reveals the answers to those seeking to escape the abuse of power and authority in the Church.

For further NOTES See also the BACK of the book!

Author: Marc Dupont
ISBNr: 1852402199  9781852402198

Extra informatie

Gewicht 250 g
Afmetingen 210 × 130 × 13 mm


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