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God’s Promises : To the Jew To the Arab – Special Morris Cerullo Edition – Dr. Gary G. Cohen

3,95 incl. BTW

Author’s: Dr. Gary G. Cohen (A Born-Again Jew)
Salem Kirban  (A Born-Again Arab)
ISBN: — no —
Publisher: Morris Cerullo World Evangelism, 1988
Edition: Paperback, 52  pages
Condition: Good, Used, Acceptable


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How to Pray covers subjects not normally touched by the traditional books on prayer. From his sixty years of experience in global ministry Dr. Cerulllo tells you how you can receive the end-time prophetic prayer anointing, a powerful prophetic anointing that will spill over into dimensions that have only been known by Old Testament prophets. The reader will discover how to recognize and deal with hindrances to answered prayer, learn how to persevere in prayer, go beyond ordinary prayer to a new, higher level of intercession, use the prayer command of faith, enter into throne room intercession and how to use the Lord's Prayer to intercede. You will never again experience defeat in your prayer life.

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You Can Have a New Beginning! is an excellent full-bodied expose for new believers or seasoned believers who need a dash of refreshment. Filled with key strategies and principles that gives the reader a boost of spiritual encouragement, the well-told biblical stories are linked to everyday challenges. The author identifies satans tactics and gives practical solutions to overcoming the enemy s plans to thwart God-given destinies. Steps to restore fractured families, accept God s second chances, and for living a supernatural life are shared, as well as how to knock down the barriers and obstacles that may be standing in the way of an abundant spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, etc. life. The following quote is typical of well-known Bible stories told with a twist that motivates the reader: Zacchaeus needed a tree in order to meet his Savior. God planted that sycamore tree a long time before Zacchaeus needed it. I think God planted it there with Zacchaeus in mind. God planted a tree for you, too. It is the tree of Calvary. It is the spiritual tree to which you must come for your new beginning. God has planted the tree, but you must come to it and embrace it in order to have a new beginning.

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This means war!

Arm yourself with offensive warfare weapons for the most effective spiritual firepower!

Illustrious evangelist and author Morris Cerullo is best known for his more than six decades of powerful ministry to virtually every nation of the world and his numerous inspirational writings and teachings—and especially for his valuable insights into the Kingdom of God. He is considered by many to be the father of the present day spiritual warfare movement.

Demolishing Demonic Strongholds brings together the wisdom and understanding to recognize satan and his terrible tactics. Somehow he has convinced you that all of your problems—illnesses, defeats, depressions, and worries—have nothing to do with demonic powers. He makes you think that they are all caused by circumstances, your spouse or in-laws, the wrong vitamins, a bad childhood, or whatever!

The fact is: demonic oppression is very real in today’s Church. There is one demon spirit that controls, dominates, possesses, oppresses, vexes, and torments eight out of ten people in the world today—including born-again Christians!

When you know your enemy, you can demolish his strongholds in your life. The answers are within these pages—claim your victory today!

" ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(56) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(11.99) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(18) "Direct beschikbaar" } } [3]=> array(8) { ["ean"]=> string(13) "1230007348600" ["bolProductId"]=> string(16) "9300000172704924" ["url"]=> string(64) "" ["gpc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(7) "SEGMENT" ["name"]=> string(35) "Textual/Printed/Reference Materials" } [1]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(5) "CHUNK" ["name"]=> string(4) "Boek" } } ["title"]=> string(18) "Taking God's Power" ["description"]=> string(211) "

God has promised you His supernatural power. Learn the secret to taking this power with a violent determination that will enable you to experience the specific miracle you need now!

Grab your copy!

" ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(55) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(11.62) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(18) "Direct beschikbaar" } } [4]=> array(8) { ["ean"]=> string(13) "9780768491159" ["bolProductId"]=> string(16) "9200000002356136" ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["gpc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(7) "SEGMENT" ["name"]=> string(35) "Textual/Printed/Reference Materials" } [1]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(5) "CHUNK" ["name"]=> string(4) "Boek" } } ["title"]=> string(29) "21 Days to Your Total Healing" ["description"]=> string(974) "This powerful 21-day devotional takes you step by step through God"s Word to receive healing in your spirit, mind, and body! If you have an incurable disease or a sickness that requires daily medicines and prescription drugs, if doctors cannot solve your problem, or if you are suffering from deep hurts in your heart and mind—God has the answer. He is ready to heal you! Morris Cerullo"s 21 Days to Your Total Healing offers a proven successful and easy-to-apply three-pronged approach to healing. 1. Reveals and details satan"s seven-fold attack to try to discourage and prevent healing. 2. Provides a contract you can engage in daily to invite divine healing. 3. Shares a seven-point strategy you can use to protect and defeat physical attacks of the enemy. 21 Days to Your Total Healing uses familiar stories from both the Old and the New Testament to illustrate God"s miraculous healing power when His people claim His promises and in faith believe and receive." ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(48) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(10.99) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(18) "Direct beschikbaar" } } [5]=> array(8) { ["ean"]=> string(13) "9781948816304" ["bolProductId"]=> string(16) "9300000027343962" ["url"]=> string(86) "" ["gpc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(7) "SEGMENT" ["name"]=> string(35) "Textual/Printed/Reference Materials" } [1]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(5) "CHUNK" ["name"]=> string(4) "Boek" } } ["title"]=> string(44) "BIBLE PERCÉE FINANCIÈRE & COMBAT SPIRITUEL" ["description"]=> string(2093) "

Première Bible d’Étude sur la Percée Financière et le Combat Spirituel – Morris Cerullo

La première Bible d’Étude - version Louis Segond 1910 - avec les commentaires du Dr Morris Cerullo sur la Percée Financière et le Combat Spirituel.

Cette Bible unique, vous apportera une nouvelle révélation de Dieu tel qu’Il est ... le DIEU QUI DONNE … ILLIMITÉ ET TOUT-PUISSANT. Son désir est de vous faire prospérer et de vous bénir comme Il l’a fait pour les enfants d’Israël. Il veut que vous Le connaissiez en tant que Jéhovah-Jiréh, votre pourvoyeur, et que vous entriez dans une relation d’alliance avec Lui, là même où s’écoule le flux continu de Sa provision dans votre vie.

Cette Bible d’Étude sur la Percée Financière et le Combat Spirituel vous aidera à comprendre les vérités et les principes spirituels que Dieu a révélés au Dr Cerullo au cours de 73 années de ministère dans les nations du monde, afin que vous les mettiez en pratique dans votre vie quotidienne.

La révélation par l’Esprit de Dieu et la mise en pratique de ces vérités, accomplira dans votre vie les choses spécifiques suivantes:

* Dieu vous amènera dans une dimension totalement nouvelle de dons généreux et illimités qui sont basés sur votre relation d’alliance avec Lui.

* Dieu libérera sur vous une onction de Son Esprit des temps de la fin et vous suscitera en tant que puissant guerrier spirituel. Vous ferez l’expérience de la victoire à 100%, contre 100% de l’ennemi, 100% du temps dans CHAQUE DOMAINE DE VOTRE VIE!

* Dieu brisera l’esclavage de la pauvreté et des dettes de votre vie.

* Dieu libérera un miracle de l’annulation des dettes, et une fois que vous serez libéré, vous déciderez de ne plus jamais vous placer sous la servitude des dettes.

« Bien-aimé, je souhaite que tu prospères à tous égards et sois en bonne santé, comme prospère l’état de ton âme. » (3 Jean 2)

Le serviteur de Dieu et votre ami, Morris Cerullo

" ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(48) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(19.64) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(18) "Direct beschikbaar" } } [6]=> array(8) { ["ean"]=> string(13) "9780768487909" ["bolProductId"]=> string(16) "9200000014965185" ["url"]=> string(109) "" ["gpc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(7) "SEGMENT" ["name"]=> string(35) "Textual/Printed/Reference Materials" } [1]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(5) "CHUNK" ["name"]=> string(4) "Boek" } } ["title"]=> string(64) "Prayer Changes Things: Taking Your Life to the Next Prayer Level" ["description"]=> string(963) "Movin" on up! Do you approach prayer with the same attitude and same requests—now you can flow into a new realm. Prayer Changes Things shows you how to pray the Jesus way—responding to His Father with "yes" as a matter of habit. You, too, can learn to trust Him with that same response in your everyday life. Prayer Changes Things includes excerpts from the following books and authors: Let Your Yes be Yes by Don Nori Spirit-Empowered Prayer Storm by James Goll
Mystics, Mystical Experiences, and Contemplative Prayer by Beni Johnson Healing and Interventional Answers by Elmer L. Towns Prayer That Takes Hold of the Impossible! by Morris Cerullo The Power Source by Suzette T. Caldwell Praying in Another Dimension by Sue Curran The Life-Changing Benefits of Fasting by Mahesh Chavda Prayer Can Be Powerful (or Otherwise) by C. Peter WagnerYou can pray with great power and authority—starting today!" ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(56) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(11.99) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(18) "Direct beschikbaar" } } [7]=> array(8) { ["ean"]=> string(13) "9780768432541" ["bolProductId"]=> string(16) "1001004009694533" ["url"]=> string(75) "" ["gpc"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(7) "SEGMENT" ["name"]=> string(35) "Textual/Printed/Reference Materials" } [1]=> array(2) { ["level"]=> string(5) "CHUNK" ["name"]=> string(4) "Boek" } } ["title"]=> string(29) "21 Days to Your Total Healing" ["description"]=> string(1069) "

This powerful 21-day devotional takes you step by step through God’s Word to receive healing in your spirit, mind, and body!

If you have an incurable disease or a sickness that requires daily medicines and prescription drugs, if doctors cannot solve your problem, or if you are suffering from deep hurts in your heart and mind—God has the answer. He is ready to heal you!

Morris Cerullo’s 21 Days to Your Total Healing offers a proven successful and easy-to-apply three-pronged approach to healing.

1. Reveals and details satan’s seven-fold attack to try to discourage and prevent healing.

2. Provides a contract you can engage in daily to invite divine healing.

3. Shares a seven-point strategy you can use to protect and defeat physical attacks of the enemy.

21 Days to Your Total Healing uses familiar stories from both the Old and the New Testament to illustrate God’s miraculous healing power when His people claim His promises and in faith believe and receive.

" ["image"]=> array(4) { ["width"]=> int(250) ["height"]=> int(200) ["url"]=> string(47) "" ["mimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" } ["offer"]=> array(2) { ["price"]=> float(262.15) ["deliveryDescription"]=> string(11) "1 - 2 weken" } } } }
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How to Pray

ISBN: 9780768428414
Prijs: € 18,99

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GOD PROMISES In Psalms 138:8 that THE LORD WILL Fulfill HIS PURPOSE For YOU! That means the enemy Shall NOT prevail against YOU. This new powerful and Prophetic program will help you receive spiritual breakthrough and answered pray!

Author’s: Dr. Gary G. Cohen (A Born-Again Jew) Salem Kirban  (A Born-Again Arab)
ISBN: — no —


Extra informatie

Gewicht 90 g
Afmetingen 215 × 138 × 4 mm


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